DevOps Tooling Day Helsinki 14.11.2017

The best tools and practices for connecting agile development to core business.

The Value of Enterprise Tools in DevOps Workflow

What is the difference between community and enterprise editions, and what is the decision making criteria for choosing either one? Does it have an impact on DevOps workflow?

DevOps Tooling Day series introduces you the most relevant DevOps tools, vendors and solution providers across the Nordics. We will bring you up-to-date on technological aspects, and also introduce you real life solutions and customer cases.



08:30Registration & Breakfast
09:00Welcome & Kickoff

Esko Wessman, Nordicmind

09:10Factors of an Efficient DevOps Toolchain

What factors to consider when designing an enterprise level DevOps workflow and toolchain. What is the right balance between total tool freedom and fully predefined toolchain.

Tapani Tirkkonen, DevOps Lead Solution Consultant, Tieto

09:50PuppetConf 2017 Recap – New Product Releases: Overview of largest set of product innovations for automation and DevOps to date

Introducing: Puppet Discovery™, Puppet Tasks™, Puppet Pipelines™ and Puppet® Container Registry, New Splunk integrations, New modules for Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, Helm and Docker. More information.

Faz Sadeghi, Puppet

10:30Coffee Break
10:50Deploying Containers The Enterprise Way – SUSE CaaS Platform in Action

Feeling that Kubernetes is complicated? SUSE CaaS Platform is what makes Kubernetes usable and straightforward to deploy. In this demo we show you how to set up a Kubernetes cluster and manage your containers.

Rob de Canha-Knight, Platform and Management Technical Strategist, SUSE

11:30Puppet Customer Presentation: How automated configuration management increased the efficiency.

Henri Heinonen, Team Lead / Application Platforms, Aktia Pankki Oyj

 13:00Puppet Enterprise Demo: Showcase how to do automated configuration management with VMware vRealize

Faz Sadeghi, Puppet

 13:40From Code to Managed Containers with SUSE

SUSE offers several tools that help build and run containers in a controlled way. Lets demo building containers, deploying them to our SUSE CaaS Platform environment and use our SUSE Manager to maintain our tools and containers. Continues Integration using SUSE technologies!

Rob de Canha-Knight, Platform and Management Technical Strategist, SUSE

 14:20Coffee Break
 14:40Best Practices for Securing Containerized Applications

What are the best practices for securing containerized applications? How can developers secure their containerized applications across the DevOps pipeline? This talk with share practical tips and tricks on how to secure your containerized applications and conclude with a demo of Conjur from CyberArk. Conjur is an open source security service that integrates with popular CI/CD tools to secure secrets, provide machine identity authorization, and more.

Kumbirai Tanekha, CyberArk

 15:20Three use cases of DevOps adoption

Introducing three use cases of DevOps adoption and how to get started with DevOps journey. Case examples from global cargo, telco and defense company will open what kind of challenges large size organizations can face during their DevOps journey. DevOps is much more than just a set of tools or a delivery methodology, and it’s important to ensure there is enough experience available when starting the journey towards DevOps way of working.

Niko Herold, Tieto

 15:50Wrap up, Q&A, Lottery

Event ends at 16:00

Program subject to changes

Location & Time

Helsinki, Finlandia Hall
Tuesday, November 14th, 2017, 08:30 – 16:00

Register now

Registration has ended. Please contact riikka.tankka [at] for details or last minute reservations.

DevOps Tooling Day is organized by Nordicmind.