Digisfääri 31.10.-1.11. @ Aalto-yliopisto, Espoo

Digisfääri 31.10.-1.11. @ Aalto-yliopisto, Espoo

Olemme tänäkin vuonna mukana Korkeakoulujen IT-Päivillä, joita 2019 alkaen on kutsuttu nimellä Digisfääri. Löydät meidät timanttikumppaneille varatulta lounge-alueelta yhdessä Tietokeskuksen, Huawein ja Proactin kanssa. Esittelemme paikanpäällä Huawei tietoliikenne-...
DevOps for Breakfast – Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Amsterdam

DevOps for Breakfast – Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Amsterdam

What is the modern way to secure and automate DevOps practices? How can you ensure scalability and still have full control? What are the key metrics in measuring the success of DevOps? All these questions are covered in this breakfast seminar. The event is free of...
DevOps Tooling Day Oslo, June 4, 2019

DevOps Tooling Day Oslo, June 4, 2019

June 4, 2019 in Oslo @ MESH From Idea to Development and Production in Seconds! Securely and Automatically. How to meet and exceed business and operational requirements in DevOps practices? How to measure it and what are the metrics? How to incorporate automatic...
DevSecOps Leadership Forum Stockholm – March 21, 2019

DevSecOps Leadership Forum Stockholm – March 21, 2019

Breakfast event for Senior IT Decision Makers only. – March 21, 2019 – Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Stockholm This half-day event includes networking with peers and talks from high profile DevOps and Security luminaries including DJ Schleen, DevSecOps...
DevOps2018 Conference in Helsinki, Dec 13-14

DevOps2018 Conference in Helsinki, Dec 13-14

Europe’s number one Devops event is back in Finland in 2018! DEVOPS 2018 brings the best Devops experts to the Clarion hotel in Helsinki for two days of technical and operational keynotes and workshops. This year, the event aims to answer the question “How can we...