2017-03-22: Nordic PGDAY 2017 Stockholm
EnterpriseDB (EDB) at Nordic PostgreSQL Day 2017 Nordic PGDay 2017 is an excellent chance to learn more about the worlds most advanced open source database among your peers in the Nordic region. Whether you use PostgreSQL professionally or play with it in your spare...

2017-03-23: EnterpriseDB & IBM Roadshow Oslo
IBM & EnterpriseDB (EDB) Nordic Roadshow We are pleased to invite you to a half-day event as part of Nordicmind, EDB and IBM Power Systems Nordic Roadshow in March. Open Source applications and databases are changing the enterprise and enables massive cost...

2017-03-22: EnterpriseDB & IBM Roadshow Copenhagen
IBM & EnterpriseDB (EDB) Nordic Roadshow We are pleased to invite you to a half-day event as part of Nordicmind, EDB and IBM Power Systems Nordic Roadshow in March. Open Source applications and databases are changing the enterprise and enables massive cost...

2017-03-16: EnterpriseDB & IBM Roadshow Stockholm
IBM & EnterpriseDB (EDB) Nordic Roadshow We are pleased to invite you to a half-day event as part of Nordicmind, EDB and IBM Power Systems Nordic Roadshow in March. Open Source applications and databases are changing the enterprise and enables massive cost...