Crayon Open Source-eftermiddag | Stockholm | 9 november 2023

Crayon Open Source-eftermiddag | Stockholm | 9 november 2023

Kan man spara in på kostnader genom att välja Open Source-lösningar, samtidigt som man varken tummar på säkerhet eller tillförlitlighet? Svaret är ja, och på det här eventet ska vi tillsammans gå igenom en handfull olika lösningar som inte bara säkerställer det...
Feature of the Week: Cloud Native PostgreSQL & Kubernetes

Feature of the Week: Cloud Native PostgreSQL & Kubernetes

Did you know that Cloud Native PostgreSQL allows you to manage deployment, high availability, and automated failover from Kubernetes? This also helps free up time as all of the deployment tasks that are needed when running Postgres and that you have traditionally...
EDB Update 2021 Sessions in June

EDB Update 2021 Sessions in June

EDB Supercharges PostgreSQL even more in 2021! 2021 has brought some new and interesting things for EDB partners and customers. We have crystallized the key things for you which we present in two webinars in June 15 and June 23. READ MORE AND...
Migrating from Oracle to Enterprise-Class PostgreSQL (June 10th)

Migrating from Oracle to Enterprise-Class PostgreSQL (June 10th)

Wed, Jun 10, 2020 @ 2PM CET / 3PM EET (60 minutes) In a rapidly evolving business environment, maintaining operational efficiency at a reasonable cost is critical. Nordicmind and EnterpriseDB invite you to join us for this live webinar to learn how enterprises are...
Digisfääri 31.10.-1.11. @ Aalto-yliopisto, Espoo

Digisfääri 31.10.-1.11. @ Aalto-yliopisto, Espoo

Olemme tänäkin vuonna mukana Korkeakoulujen IT-Päivillä, joita 2019 alkaen on kutsuttu nimellä Digisfääri. Löydät meidät timanttikumppaneille varatulta lounge-alueelta yhdessä Tietokeskuksen, Huawein ja Proactin kanssa. Esittelemme paikanpäällä Huawei tietoliikenne-...