2016-11-18: Red Hat IoT Webinar 2/3: Innovating with open source: Building an open IoT environment

2016-11-04: Red Hat IoT Webinar 1/3: The State of IoT

IoT (Internet of Things) means different things to different organisations. This introductory session will explore what is IoT – in definition and in reality – and looks at how it is growing in key industries. We’ll look at the drivers of IoT and some of the...
2016-11-18: Red Hat IoT Webinar 2/3: Innovating with open source: Building an open IoT environment

2016-10-19: Red Hat Jälleenmyyjätapahtuma (In Finnish)

Red Hatilla tapahtuu sekä tuote- että kumppanipuolella! Kerromme aamupäivän myyntikoulutuksessa kovimmat uutuudet San Franciscon Red Hat Summitista sekä kovasti odotetun kumppaniuutisen! Tapahtuma tarkoitettu Red Hat -jälleenmyyjillemme. Ilmoittaudu:...
2016-10-04: Red Hat Forum Finland

2016-10-04: Red Hat Forum Finland

Event date: October 4, 2016 Meet Nordicmind and our selected Enterprise Open Source partners at Red Hat Forum Finland at Finlandia Hall, Helsinki Learn. Network. Experience Open Innovation. Red Hat Forum 2016 brings you the latest and greatest in Hybrid Clouds,...