2016-11-04: Red Hat IoT Webinar 1/3: The State of IoT
IoT (Internet of Things) means different things to different organisations. This introductory session will explore what is IoT – in definition and in reality – and looks at how it is growing in key industries. We’ll look at the drivers of IoT and some of the...

2016-11-16: Red Hat Mobile Application Platform – Architect & Developer Training
November 16-17, 2016 @ Sweden, Kista This training is for authorized Red Hat Partners only. Contact Nordicmind (redhat[at]nordicmind.com] for registration code. Targeted Audience Developers and Solution Architects. Prerequisites There are no explicit prerequisites...

2016-10-19: Red Hat Jälleenmyyjätapahtuma (In Finnish)
Red Hatilla tapahtuu sekä tuote- että kumppanipuolella! Kerromme aamupäivän myyntikoulutuksessa kovimmat uutuudet San Franciscon Red Hat Summitista sekä kovasti odotetun kumppaniuutisen! Tapahtuma tarkoitettu Red Hat -jälleenmyyjillemme. Ilmoittaudu:...

2016-09-28: Webinar: Maximize your virtualization investment with management by Red Hat
Webinar: Sep-28-2016 Maximize your virtualization investment with management by Red Hat You’ve made a significant investment in your on-premise VMware infrastructure, but your digital transformation objectives likely still haven’t been met.