Nordic Redis Tooling Hours

Poll about Redis Technical Deep Dive topics in 2021


Register also for RedisConf and we will send you cool Redis T-shirt!


Attend now

Poll: Redis Tooling Hour Topics

We shall continue Redis Tooling Hours with advanced topics and best practices in 2021.

We wish to have your experienced feedback, which topics you consider most interesting ones.

See the form below.

RedisConf 2021, April 20-21

Unless you have registered already, make sure to book your spot! You can use the form below. It is free of charge.

RedisConf gathers Redis community, customers, and industry experts. Dive into the latest product experiences, get hands-on training and network with other Redis pros.

Redis $100k Hackathon

Experience the speed, simplicity, versatility, and fun of Redis. Show off your skills by participating to Redis Hackathon in April 15 – May 15. There are $100,000 in prizes. 

Register by using the form below.

Get a cool Redis T-shirt!

Give your feedback regarding upcoming Nordic Redis Tooling Hour Topics, and register for RedisConf to get T-shirt! If you have registered to RedisConf already, then just give your feedback.

We will send out 50 T-Shirts across the Nordics! Just fill the form below.

Attend & Register

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Please contact for further information about Redis.