Puppet Technical Training
Complimentary Training Day Across the NordicsHelsinki 28.2. – Oslo 1.3. – Stockholm 5.3. – Copenhagen 6.3.
NOTE: In case you have registered but have not received confirmation, please contact events@nordicmind.com or +358207598111

Welcome to Puppet Technical Training day!
In this technical training you will learn how you can easily automate ad-hoc infrastructure operations and application deployments with Puppet Bolt – and how to ensure continuous compliance in day-to-day operations with Puppet Enterprise.
Want to know more about Bolt & Enterprise? Take a look at “It’s time for next generation automation“, blog post by Robert Finn, Vice President, Puppet EMEA.
Who should attend?
Everyone interested in automation and configuration management is welcome! Also both existing Puppet Open Source and Puppet Enterprise users from beginners to advanced level will find this training useful.
Training format
An instructor-led class with both presentations and lots of hands-on labs. Attendees use their own laptops with either Windows, Linux or MacOS.
Training is free of charge, organized by Nordicmind & Puppet.
Bring your own laptop, in which you have the ability to install software. A basic understanding of configuration management practices is enough – prior experience with Puppet is not mandatory!
Details for setting up your laptop for the training will be sent after registration.
We will have additional breaks during the day.
08:30 | Registration & Coffee |
09:00-12:00 | Morning: Bolt Workshop (hands-on training)
12:00 | Lunch |
12:45-16:00 | Afternoon: Puppet Enterprise Workshop (hands-on training)
Program subject to modifications
Kevin Reeuwijk
Sr. Sales Engineer, Puppet
Kevin has worked for IT consulting and services companies for over 19 years, ranging from desktop services to datacenter architecture and cloud solutions. He has worked for startups and large enterprises like KPN (Techology Officer) and TechData (Product Manager Cloud Solutions). Kevin decided to work for Puppet because he believes that automation is the key to success for most companies, and Puppet is best positioned to play a transformational role in that journey.
Marc McKinley
Solutions Engineer, Puppet
Marc’s passion for technology and innovation was nurtured at Apple, where he spent 6 years, occupying multiple roles. At Apple, Marc was actively involved in product releases, as well as internal and external consumer trainings, which he delivered weekly. With the intention to move from the consumer realm to enterprise and provide solutions needed by business in the ever-changing technological context, Marc joined Puppet in 2016 where he currently works as a Sales Engineer. His time at puppet satisfies his passion for clever engineering, problem solving and his desire to build solutions around challenging circumstances, which have also been part of his personal life – as an example, Marc restored and rebuilt an old vintage bike, on which he completed a tour from Belfast to Paris.
Michael Svendsen
Head of Pre-Sales and Services, Nordicmind
Michael has worked in IT for almost 20 years with positions in consultancy, development and projecting in various companies. After completing his master degree in computer science and mathematics at Aarhus University, he joined Nordicmind in 2004 as Product Manager and have been working in past 15 years with everything from clusters, storage and enterprise software to cloud, containers, devops and automation. In his personal life, he likes finding new awesome software, coding cool stuff and playing music.
Dates & Locations

March 1, 2019
Oslo Kongressenter Folkets Hus
Youngs gate 21, Oslo, Norway

March 5, 2019
Stockholm City Conference Centre
Norra Latin, Drottninggatan 71 b, Stockholm, Sweden

March 6, 2019
MBK Kursuslokaler
Pilestræde 61, København K, Denmark