DevSecOps & Quality Assurance Breakfast Seminars – Helsinki, Stockholm & Copenhagen
Automation and security are integral parts of your software development pipeline. How can you ensure high security and quality by automating practices? Welcome to join us for a breakfast where we address automation and security of your development pipeline. In this...
DevSecOps Leadership Forum Stockholm – March 21, 2019
Breakfast event for Senior IT Decision Makers only. - March 21, 2019 - Elite Hotel Marina Tower, Stockholm This half-day event includes networking with peers and talks from high profile DevOps and Security luminaries including DJ Schleen, DevSecOps Evangelist at Aetna...
Verticom Teknologialounas 28.3.2019 @ Helsinki
Keskustelua konesaliratkaisuista Helsingin kattojen yllä 28.3.2019 klo 11:30 - 13:00 @ Sokos Hotel Torni, Helsinki Tervetuloa teknologialounaalle! Tilaisuuden aiheena on konesaliympäristön modernisointi sekä sen pilveistäminen ja hallinta. Aihetta lähestytään...
Morpheus Multi-Cloud Orchestration Demo & Best Practices, March 7, 2019
Seeing is Believing! Morpheus is an award-winning next-gen multi-cloud management platform. It standardizes provisioning of bare metal, VMs, and containers (IaaS/CaaS) as well as full app stacks (PaaS) into virtually any on-prem or public cloud including VMware,...
Puppet Technical Training – Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo: Feb-2 … Mar-6
Helsinki: Feb-28 Oslo: Mar-1 Stockholm: Mar-5 Copenhagen: Mar-6 Welcome to Puppet Technical Training day! In this technical training you will learn how you can easily automate ad-hoc infrastructure operations and application deployments with Puppet Bolt – and how to...
DevOps Tooling Morning Amsterdam – January 31, 2019
Meet Puppet and Eficode at: DevOps Tooling Morning Amsterdam 31.1.2019 DevOps Automation: Enhancing through-put and compliancy In this event you will see how to automate DevOps toolchain, what are the typical use cases, and how to enhance velocity and compliancy. This...
Free Redis Technical Training in Nordics, January 2019
Redis Technical Training Day This one day training covers both existing and new Redis data structures. You will learn about the internals of Redis, common use cases, tips and tricks and more. A lab environment will be provided for trying out the things you learn – as...
DevOps2018 Conference in Helsinki, Dec 13-14
Europe’s number one Devops event is back in Finland in 2018! DEVOPS 2018 brings the best Devops experts to the Clarion hotel in Helsinki for two days of technical and operational keynotes and workshops. This year, the event aims to answer the question “How can we...
Huawei teknologialounas – eri puolilla Suomea 2018-2019
Tervetuloa teknologialounaalle! Mikä tekee Huawein verkkoteknologiasta edelläkävijän? Miksi esimerkiksi useat terveydenhuollon organisaatiot ovat valinneet Huawein tietoliikenneratkaisut kriittisiin käyttökohteisiin? Miksi Huawei Campus Network -ratkaisut ovat...
Puppetize Live 2018 Recordings Collection
Check out the videos of your favorite sessions from San Francisco, Sydney, Amsterdam and Global Stream-Only Sessions. We have collected all in one page, take a look!
SUSEFest 2018, 22.11. @ Helsinki
SUSEFest 2018 –vuotuinen Linux- ja konesalitilaisuus Tapahtuma järjestetään jo kuudennen kerran ja tilaisuus on kasvanut konesaliammattilaisten kokoontumiseksi, jossa kannattaa olla paikalla! Tule kuulemaan kuinka privaattipilvi-, kontti-, ohjelmistopohjainen...
Cyber Security Breakfast: Insider Threat Management and Prevention 20.11.2018 @ Helsinki
Privileged accounts have been leveraged in every recent breach and are an area of strong focus for mitigating risk, internal audit and external compliance regulations. Gartner has listed their “Top 10 Security Projects for 2018” and Privileged Account Management has...
SUSE mukana Tampereen Tietoiskuseminaarissa 2.10.2018
Tietokeskuksen järjestämä Tietoiskuseminaari järjestetään tiistaina 2.10.2018 Tampere-talossa. Seminaarin isäntänä toimii Lorenz Backman. Tule poikkeamaan SUSEn osastolla, ja kuulemaan Pilvi, konesali ja tietoturva -trackissä klo 09:30 mielenkiintoinen puheenvuoro:...
DevOps Tooling Morning 2018: Stockholm Nov-6 & Gothenburg Nov-7
From idea to development and production in seconds! Securely and automatically. How to meet and exceed business and operational requirements in DevOps toolchain? How to manage whole CI/CD chain? How to incorporate automatic security principles to that process? What...
Pilvi & Konesali 2018 – 24.10.2018 Helsingissä
See further below English summary 24.10.2018 @ Helsinki, Hotel Katajanokka Pilvi & Konesali 2018 tarjoaa täyden kattauksen alan tärkeimmistä aiheista: Multi-Cloud Orkestrointi Automatisointi Varmennusratkaisut Verkkoarkkitehtuuri Tallennusratkaisut...
Meet Puppet @ IP Expo Stockholm, Sep 19-20, 2018
Meet Nordicmind and Puppet at booth #204 in IP Expo Nordic @ Stockholm, Sep 19-20, 2018 Also put in your calendar: Sr. Engineer Kevin Reeujiwk from Puppet has very interesting presentation in September 19 at 11:40AM (in DevOps and Serverless Theatre / IP Expo):...
Tietoiskuseminaari 5.9.2018 / Turku
Tietoiskuseminaari Turussa 5.9.2018 Yhteistyökumppanimme Tietokeskus järjestää suureen suosioon nousseen Tietoiskuseminaarin Turussa jo kymmenettä kertaa. Tänä vuonna Logomossa ohjelmassa on yli 25 ajankohtaista puheenvuoroa ja alan kuumimpia tuoteuutuuksia....
Puppetize Live Amsterdam, October 10, 2018
PuppetConf is now Puppetize Live 2018 A 24-hour global event focused on DevOps, cloud, and software automation beginning 9 October in San Francisco and continuing into 10 October in Sydney and Amsterdam. Meet Nordicmind and Nordic Puppet partners in Amsterdam, October...
Puppet Partner Training, Stockholm, 18.9.2018
Welcome to Puppet Partner Training Afternoon! Rapidly growing automation market continues to open significant opportunities for Puppet Partners worldwide. Nordics is no exception. Customers are more and more looking enterprise grade reliability, scalability and...
Workshop: Migrate from Oracle to EDB Postgres, June 5, 2018 @ Helsinki
Helsinki 5.6.2018: Welcome to Oracle Migration Workshop This one day training-workshop covers the basics of approaching and handling Oracle Migration Tasks. During the session, the trainer will help you understand how to approach a migration task, how to map the...
Continuous Delivery Breakfast Seminar – Helsinki 7.6.2018
Join Sonatype and CloudBees to discuss how to continuously deliver software whilst building quality in and mitigating risk but without reducing the velocity of your software development. See the agenda and Register!
DevSecMorning 2018 | Helsinki, Stockholm, Gothenburg
DevSecMorning 2018: DevSecOps Key Principles, Practices and Technologies. Helsinki 16.5.2018 Stockholm 17.5.2018 Gothenburg 18.5.2018 Welcome to DevSecOps Breakfast Seminar! Like DevOps, DevSecOps seeks to achieve greater efficiency and productivity, but the DevSecOps...
April 26 @ Copenhagen: DevOps Automation for Zero-Day Delivery
Welcome to Zero-Day Delivery Breakfast! What is the modern way to automate DevOps practices? How to ensure scalability and still have the full control? What are the key metrics in measuring DevOps and how to do it? All these questions are covered in this breakfast...
April 2018: Smart DevOps and Quality Assurance Summit – Finland, Sweden and Norway
Who else don't want to sacrifice software quality for speed? Reserve your place in the Smart DevOps and Quality Assurance Summit to get valuable insights on how to boost your delivery speed, quality and visibility. Join the DevOps and...
Konesaliammattilaisten aamupala Kokkolassa 10.4.2018
Kokkola, 10.4.2018: Huawei Hyperconverged: Tehokkaampi ratkaisu ja kilpailukykyinen hinta & IT-infrastruktuurin automaation edut Tervetuloa konesali- ja verkkolaiteteknologioista kiinnostuneille ammattilaisille suunnattuun tietoiskuun. Maittavan aamupalan...
Redis Enterprise Lunch & Learn Roadshow: Fin 26.3. – Swe 27.3. – Den 5.4.
March 26, 2018: Helsinki March 27, 2018: Stockholm April 5, 2018: Copenhagen Join us for a seminar exploring the full power of Redis. If you're using Redis or another NoSQL database in any capacity and want to learn how to incorporate data structures and modules to...
Infrastructure Automation Roadshow 29.1.-2.2.2018
Welcome to Infrastructure Automation Roadshow with IBM, Nutanix, Puppet and EDB. In this event you will learn how to automate your infrastructure and what are the practical benefits. The event is free of charge, and is targeted for IT specialists, architects and IT...
Microservices Morning in Helsinki & Stockholm
Helsinki, February 13, 2018 & Stockholm, February 15, 2018 Welcome to Microservices Morning! Microservices are a rapidly expanding architecture for breaking down single monolithic application into many smaller services. Instead of traditional single technology...
2018-03-01: Puppet Breakfast Oslo
Oslo, Norway, March 1st, 2018 Welcome to Puppet Automation Morning! In PuppetConf2017, Puppet released largest set of product innovations for automation and DevOps to date! In this event you will learn more about the new releases and see how other customers are using...
Kuntien ja maakuntien kyberturvallisuuspäivät Kuntatalo 11.-12.10.2017
Sorry, in Finnish only (local event). Nordicmind ja Tietokeskus ovat mukana kuntien ja maakuntien kyberturvallisuuspäivillä Kuntatalossa Helsingissä 11.-12.10.2017. Tule tutustumaan ajankohtaisiin tietoiskuihimme, jotka järjestetään Kuntatalon...
2017-10-17: Webinar – Introducing CloudBees Jenkins Team
Webinar: Introducing CloudBees Jenkins Team October 17, 2017: Helsinki 15:00, Stockholm-Oslo-Copenhagen 14:00 Jenkins® is the most popular open source automation server, with more than 133,000 active sites, globally, and over 1,000,000 users. Today,...
Automation & DevOps Tooling Roadshow
Automation and DevOps Tooling - Nordic Roadshow near you: Copenhagen: November 9, 2017 Helsinki: November 14, 2017 Stockholm: November 16, 2017
2017-09-20: Meet Puppet at IP Expo in Stockholm
Puppet's awesome NEMEA team is at the IP Expo Nordic in Stockholm Sweden on September 20st and 21st. Attend Puppet's presentation on 21 September, at 12:25PM., in the DevOps and Open Source theatre and learn about the Security Implications for DevOps Transformation....
2017-09-25: Webinar / How to Increase Security on Authentication?
How to stop the endless war between password policy makers and real world passwords? How multifactor authentication or two-way ID helps on it? How to increase security on MFA? Webinar / September 25, 2017: Helsinki 13:00, Stockholm-Oslo-Copenhagen 12:00...
2017-06-20: CloudBees Lunch & Learn in Helsinki – Jenkins as a Service!
Lunch & Learn in Helsinki - Jenkins as a Service! Helsinki, 20.6.2017 at 11:00 - 13:00 In cooperation with CloudBees we have the opportunity to get to know more about Jenkins and the innovation happening in the Jenkins community right now. In the session we will...
2017-06-01: DevOps Tooling Day Stockholm
June 1st, 2017 Welcome to the first DevOps Tooling Day Stockholm: DevOps Workflow Automation with Puppet! DevOps Tooling Day introduces the best tools and practices for connecting agile development to core of business. In the first DevOps Tooling Day in Stockholm we...
2017-04-27: DevOps 2017 Conference, Helsinki
DEVOPS 2017, Helsinki, April 27-28 WELCOME TO THE BIGGEST DEVOPS EVENT IN SCANDINAVIA! Automate everything! Automation with right tools means greater control and consistency of software quality, which can be surprisingly easy and can reap major benefits. In fact,...
2017-03-17: DevOps Tooling Day Copenhagen
DevOps Tooling Day Copenhagen The best tools and practices for connecting agile development to core of business. In this event you will see and hear DevOps related use cases and real live examples, enterprise grade tool chains and workflows. Facts you really want to...
2017-03-29: Tietoiskuseminaari, Turku (Finland)
Tietoiskuseminaari - organized by Tietokeskus Yhtiöt - gathers 300 ICT professionals to learn the latest IT news and trends. Event will mostly be in Finnish language. Tietoiskuseminaari, Turku, Marina Palace, 29.3.2017 Nordicmind on mukana tapahtumassa. Tule...
2017-03-22: Nordic PGDAY 2017 Stockholm
EnterpriseDB (EDB) at Nordic PostgreSQL Day 2017 Nordic PGDay 2017 is an excellent chance to learn more about the worlds most advanced open source database among your peers in the Nordic region. Whether you use PostgreSQL professionally or play with it in your spare...
2017-03-23: EnterpriseDB & IBM Roadshow Oslo
IBM & EnterpriseDB (EDB) Nordic Roadshow We are pleased to invite you to a half-day event as part of Nordicmind, EDB and IBM Power Systems Nordic Roadshow in March. Open Source applications and databases are changing the enterprise and enables massive cost...
2017-03-22: EnterpriseDB & IBM Roadshow Copenhagen
IBM & EnterpriseDB (EDB) Nordic Roadshow We are pleased to invite you to a half-day event as part of Nordicmind, EDB and IBM Power Systems Nordic Roadshow in March. Open Source applications and databases are changing the enterprise and enables massive cost...
2017-03-16: EnterpriseDB & IBM Roadshow Stockholm
IBM & EnterpriseDB (EDB) Nordic Roadshow We are pleased to invite you to a half-day event as part of Nordicmind, EDB and IBM Power Systems Nordic Roadshow in March. Open Source applications and databases are changing the enterprise and enables massive cost...
2017-03-14: EnterpriseDB & IBM Roadshow Helsinki
IBM & EnterpriseDB (EDB) Nordic Roadshow We are pleased to invite you to a half-day event as part of Nordicmind, EDB and IBM Power Systems Nordic Roadshow in March. Open Source applications and databases are changing the enterprise and enables massive cost...
2017-02-13: Puppet Fundamentals, 3-day-Training / Helsinki
Puppet Fundamentals Training: February 13-15, Helsinki The Puppet Fundamentals for System Administrators class teaches students a best practice approach to managing their infrastructure using Puppet IT automation software. Topics covered include: Developing...
2017-02-09: DevOps Style Integrations and API Management
Pre-register now to this Expert Level Seminar to guarantee your seat! February 9, 2017 in Helsinki. No entrance fee. Register now!
2016-12-08: Microsoft Webinar: High Availability ja Disaster Recovery fyysisissä, virtuaalisissa ja Azure -ympäristöissä.
Note: This Microsoft webinar shall be held partly in Finnish (introduction). The actual use case presentations and solution introduction will be in English. [REGISTER HERE] See below both English and Finnish language webinar introduction How to build HA and DRS...
2016-12-07: DevOps Tooling Day Helsinki
Ideasta sovelluskehitykseen ja liiketoimintaan sekunneissa! Maksuton ammattilaisseminaari | 7.12.2016 Helsinki Yhteistyössä: Red Hat, Puppet ja Github Tutustu tarkemmin ja ilmoittaudu!
2016-12-02: Red Hat IoT Webinar 3/3: Open IoT Technology in Action: Realizing the power of collaboration
Open source technology is at the heart of IoT (Internet of Things) innovation. Hear from your industry peers how your customers can benefit from technologies with their roots in open source, and why this approach is saving time, accelerating delivery and providing...
2016-11-18: Red Hat IoT Webinar 2/3: Innovating with open source: Building an open IoT environment
IoT (Internet of Things) environments require interoperability, flexibilty, and the means to adapt for future growth. In this webinar, we will discuss how open source’s unique collaborative approach, rapid development cycles, and open standards are driving IoT...
2016-11-04: Red Hat IoT Webinar 1/3: The State of IoT
IoT (Internet of Things) means different things to different organisations. This introductory session will explore what is IoT – in definition and in reality – and looks at how it is growing in key industries. We'll look at the drivers of IoT and some of the...
2016-11-16: Red Hat Mobile Application Platform – Architect & Developer Training
November 16-17, 2016 @ Sweden, Kista This training is for authorized Red Hat Partners only. Contact Nordicmind (redhat[at]] for registration code. Targeted Audience Developers and Solution Architects. Prerequisites There are no explicit prerequisites...
2016-11-02 Finland: Miten IoT muuttaa datakeskuksien infrastruktuuria?
Aamiaisseminaari Helsingin kattojen yllä 2.11.2016 IoT vaatii yrityksen IT-ympäristöltä kenties enemmän, kuin mikään tähänastisista alan murroksista. IoT:n myötä suurten datamäärien reaaliaikainen prosessointi kasvattaa datakeskusten kuormaa merkittävästi. Tämä...
2016-11-15: Docker Day Helsinki
Welcome to Docker Day Helsinki! Docker is driving the containerization movement to modernize applications, accelerate DevOps and enable cloud migrations. In this Docker Day we’ll discuss where and when Docker can assist your business as well as who has already taken...
2016-10-19: Red Hat Jälleenmyyjätapahtuma (In Finnish)
Red Hatilla tapahtuu sekä tuote- että kumppanipuolella! Kerromme aamupäivän myyntikoulutuksessa kovimmat uutuudet San Franciscon Red Hat Summitista sekä kovasti odotetun kumppaniuutisen! Tapahtuma tarkoitettu Red Hat -jälleenmyyjillemme. Ilmoittaudu:...
2016-12-08: Norway– IDC & Microsoft Enterprise Open Source Roadshow 2016
Nordicmind is attending the event with its partners Github, Puppet and EDB. Dec-8-2016: Lysaker, Norway The 'future proof' IT platform built on open source technologies Digital Transformation initiatives drive the need for greater IT agility, developer-friendly...
2016-11-01: Denmark – IDC & Microsoft Enterprise Open Source Roadshow 2016
Nordicmind is attending the event with its partners Github, Puppet and EDB. Nov-1-2016: Kongens Lyngby, Denmark The 'future proof' IT platform built on open source technologies Digital Transformation initiatives drive the need for greater IT agility,...
2016-10-25: Finland – IDC & Microsoft Enterprise Open Source Roadshow 2016
Nordicmind is attending the event with its partners Github, Puppet and EDB. Oct-25-2016: Espoo, Finland The 'future proof' IT platform built on open source technologies Digital Transformation initiatives drive the need for greater IT agility, developer-friendly...
2016-09-28: Webinar: Maximize your virtualization investment with management by Red Hat
Webinar: Sep-28-2016 Maximize your virtualization investment with management by Red Hat You’ve made a significant investment in your on-premise VMware infrastructure, but your digital transformation objectives likely still haven’t been met.
2016-10-04: Red Hat Forum Finland
Event date: October 4, 2016 Meet Nordicmind and our selected Enterprise Open Source partners at Red Hat Forum Finland at Finlandia Hall, Helsinki Learn. Network. Experience Open Innovation. Red Hat Forum 2016 brings you the latest and greatest in Hybrid Clouds,...