Microservices Morning Helsinki

Want to Unleash The Full Power of Microservices?

Welcome to Microservices Morning!

Microservices are a rapidly expanding architecture for breaking down single monolithic application into many smaller services. Instead of traditional single technology stack – each microservice has its own stack – enabling for example DevOps teams to decouple services – innovate, adapt and deploy faster.

What are the benefits and use cases of microservices? What I need to take care of? What is relationship between containers, devops and microservices? All these questions are covered to understand how microservices architecture can fit in to your infrastructure and strategy.

Event is free of charge, and is targeted for IT specialists, architects and managers. Use cases include both technical and business viewpoints.



08:30Registration & Breakfast
09:00Welcome & Kickoff

Esko Wessman, CEO, Nordicmind

09:05Redis & Microservices

Why is Redis the most downloaded database on Docker? What makes Redis the most popular in-memory & NoSQL solution in AWS and Azure? Find out popular Microservices use cases for Redis and real life configuration examples.

Martin Kjellstrand, Team Lead, Eficode

09:45Building a Compliant and Managed Microservices Infrastructure

When your microservices based solutions will become critical, what should you consider while building the infrastructure to support them? How to manage the lifecycle or container compliance? In addition to answering these key question, we will also give a short tooling demo of how to do it in practice with SUSE Container as a Service Platform and SUSE Manager.

Kim Aaltonen, Country Manager, SUSE Finland
Olli Tuominen, SUSE Architect

10:25Coffee Break
10:35Monitoring Containers and Microservices in Production

You’ve carefully selected your container platform and configured all the details to run it in production, but what about monitoring? In this talk we will cover the challenges and requirements for monitoring your containers and microservices, and why you need a container-native monitoring approach to make your container project succeed. We’ll also give a short demo of how to monitor a container environment with CoScale.

Stijn Polfliet, CEO and founder of CoScale

11:15Delivering Microservices at Scale with NGINX

NGINX technology is a revolution in the architecture of modern applications, providing web server, load balancing, content caching, monitoring and administration of communications and WAF in a single component. In our presentation, we will address some of the critical points of succeeding with a Microservices platform allowing organisations to innovate, build and deliver new applications faster than their competitors.

Klaus Oxdal, EMEA Channel Director, NGINX

11:55Wrap up, Q&A, Lottery

Event ends at 12:00

Program subject to changes

Location & Time

Original Sokos Hotel Presidentti
Eteläinen Rautatiekatu 4, 00100 Helsinki
Tuesday, February 13th, 2018, 08:30 – 12:00

Event is organized by Nordicmind.