Get familiar with microservices and Docker.

Learn how to use the technology and how to orchestrate Containerized Applications.

In the training you learn how microservices work and how to implement Container technology to legacy SW. You will get an understanding of what needs to be taken into account in the beginning of a new SW project to fully utilize Container technology. You will learn how to build a Container Orchestration environment and what you should expect/ask from the IT infrastructure in order to utilize the Container technology and its benefits. 


Get basic understanding of microservices

Learn the power of containerization in SW development and in production

Get ideas how to “dockerize” existing systems

Get hands on experience how to orchestrate containers

Get familiar with scalability, high availability and reusability in a dynamic way

Target Audience

The training is targeted towards people working with Devops but it also provide fundamental information for everyone who is interested in the new age of SW development, microservices and container technology.

For example: Devops engineers | SW architects/designers/analysts | IT engineers/specialists



Background knowledge

Exercises are hands on and require Linux, network and virtualization experience.

Equipment: Laptop

8GB memory
64 bit Operating System (Linux, Mac, Windows)
Cabability to VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration (should be enabled in bios



1750 EUR (+ Vat)

Invoiced before the course
Includes Training, Materials, Coffees and Lunches
Group Discounts: Contact riikka.tankka [at]

Location & Schedule

Technopolis Ruoholahti, Hiilikatu 3, Helsinki
9.-10.3.2017, at 08:30-16:00


Parking: Salmiparkki


DAY 1:  Playing with a docker engine


8:30-9:00: Morning coffee and registration

9:00-10:00: Introduction to microservices and Docker

  • Introduction of microservices
  • Introduction of linux containers
  • Benefits of containerization
  • Containers VS virtualization
  • Docker architecture, terminology, etc.

10:00-10:15: Coffee break

10:15-11:45: Tools setup, initial tools validation and basic exercises

  • same desktop and environment to everyone with Docker toolbox, Vagrant & Virtualbox
  • first own container up and running

11:45-12:30: Lunch

12:30-14:00: Docker-compose

  • Introduction
  • hands-on exercise

14:00-14:15: Coffee break

14:15-16:00: Basics of Docker services, networks, storage, event sourcing

  • Introduction
  • hands-on exercises

DAY 2:  Playing with multiple docker engines and orchestration


8:30-9:00: Morning coffee and registration

9:00-10:00: Intro to orchestration

  • introduction
  • benefits
  • use cases

10:00-10:15: Coffee break

10:15-11:45: Swarm

  • Introduction
  • hands-on exercise

11:45-12:30: Lunch

12:30-14:00: Kontena

  • Introduction
  • hands-on exercise

14:00-14:15: Coffee break

14:15-16:00: Rancher

  • Introduction
  • hands-on exercise


Technological expertise in DevOps, Docker, Virtualization, VMware platform, Software Configuration Management, Test Automation, Continuous Delivery pipelines, various scripting languages, open source and Linux.

Working in several projects transforming software develop processes towards Agile and Devops methods.

Sakari Hoisko

Devops Consultant, Eficode

I have set up Jenkins multibranch pipelines for multicomponent products, static analysis system with SonarQube and helped setting up CI systems for development teams.

I have twice been the teacher in  a one week  Devops Specialist training and a speaker in Eficode “Kontita Koodisi” event regarding Docker technology.

Sami Pesonen

Devops Consultant, Eficode

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