Digitalisaatio etenee vauhdilla ja tänä päivänä yrityksen yksi menestyksen kulmakivistä on nopea reagointi ja omaksumiskyky ympäristön muutoksiin. Miten liiketoiminnan tarve saadaan mukautettua yrityksen IT-osaston tarjoamaan, jossa osa voi olla vielä vanhaa, hidasta ja kankeaa legacya? Mitkä ovat ne ketterät työkalut ja käytännöt, joilla liitetään sovelluskehitys liiketoiminnan ytimeen?
Tästä kaikesta kuulet käytännön esimerkein.
Kahvi ja kevyt aamupala tarjolla klo 08:30 alkaen.
09:00 | Kick Off & Welcome
09:20 | KEYNOTE Towards digitalization: How DevOps enabled us to make the shift from 4 releases a year to being able to deploy several times a day into production2 years, 12 developers, 150 000 builds, and 4000+ deployments (integration & regression tested) in 10 different environments
09:50 | Cut 66% of your development lifecycle with a professional DevOps platform Ideas are innovation. The ability to turn ideas into reality defines the level of innovation at a company. Most companies are focusing on building the platform of innovation instead of developing the actual idea. With Red Hat’s open architecture for innovation you can focus on what is essential for your business. This session will demonstrate how to build a DevOps architecture that will move your development to higher values.
10:20 | Coffee Break |
10:40 | Happiness: Developing the Developers most Important Skill In this session we will share some development best practices by focusing on collaboration, continuous delivery, and continuous improvement. First we will discuss how code quality improves when you share your work with a larger audience and do public and open code reviews. In this context we will also explore the benefits of rigorous testing and automated deployments. Next we will look at ways to bring your tools into your chat interface to allow people to execute operations and track progress across teams around issues, code changes, build statuses or deployments. Lastly, we’ll see how to refactor code with some science and how all of these pieces help make you a happier developer who ships better code more often.
11:10 | Puppetizing Infrastructure Learn the essential concepts of the Puppet Enterprise ecosystem required to effectively manage the infrastructure. You will learn how to discover and use community modules to solve real world problems. You will see how to use the Puppet Enterprise console and write platform discovery tools (facts), troubleshoot common Puppet errors and misconfigurations, and use native platform tooling with Puppet on several platforms.
11:40 | Lunch |
12:30 | KEYNOTE Boosting Your Software Development with DevopsWorld has been transforming to agile for fifteen years. What has changed, if anything? Let’s go through some common, remarkable mistakes that are still done nowadays in software development. How devops is helping to get better results?
13:00 | How to get started? DevOps in practice – Volvo Cars with Red Hat OpenShift Volvo cars was faced with a changing business landscape due to purchasing cycles moving online. Volvo found tremendous value in thinking devops to solve the problem. How did Volvo rethink their services, IT infrastructure and transform their operations to match the trend of digitalisation? What were the benefits?
13:30 | Coffee Break |
13:45 | Continuous Deployment with GitHub Enterprise In this talk we will demonstrate how people build software with GitHub and its ecosystem of integrations. We will implement a new feature from idea until deployment using GitHub Projects and Issues, GitHub Flow, Pull Request Review, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment.
14:15 | Future Direction of Puppet in the DevOps Industry Will the investment you’ve made in today’s technology, have value in tomorrow’s new world? Puppet believes, DevOps is not about the technology, it is not about you as an individual. It’s about the users you’ve build the technology for and how to get most of the technology you’ve chosen. In this new world, we’re still at the beginning. Will the tool space in this new world magically solve our problems? The nature of your systems’ inputs may change along with your tech, but they’re still there and they’re still your problem. Our take is that infrastructure as code is a prerequisite for any DevOps or DevOps-like practice. When you treat your infrastructure as code it’s easy to share that code, collaborate around it, put it in a version control system, do peer reviews, unit testing, automate your deployments and more.
14:45 | Wrap Up, Q&A, Lottery
Ohjelmamuutokset ovat mahdollisia.
Paikka ja aika
Suomen Liikemiesten Kauppaopisto, Rautatieläisenkatu 5, Helsinki (Messukeskuksen vieressä)
Keskiviikko 7.12.2016, klo 09:00-14:30
Pysäköinti: Pasila tai Messukeskus
Ilmoittaudu 30.11.2016 mennessä
Ilmoittautuminen on päättynyt. Lisätiedot: riikka.tankka [at] nordicmind.com
Download the Presentations:
- KEYNOTE: Towards digitalization / Accenture
- KEYNOTE: Boosting Your Software Development with Devops / Eficode
- Cut 66% of your development lifecycle with a professional DevOps platform / Red Hat
- How to get started? DevOps in practice – Volvo Cars with Red Hat OpenShift / Red Hat
- IDC White Paper: The Business Value of Red Hat OpenShift / Red Hat
- Happiness: Developing the Developers most Important Skill / GitHub
- Puppetizing Infrastructure / Puppet
- Future Direction of Puppet in the DevOps Industry / Puppet