Digisfääri 31.10.-1.11. @ Aalto-yliopisto, Espoo
Olemme tänäkin vuonna mukana Korkeakoulujen IT-Päivillä, joita 2019 alkaen on kutsuttu nimellä Digisfääri. Löydät meidät timanttikumppaneille varatulta lounge-alueelta yhdessä Tietokeskuksen, Huawein ja Proactin kanssa. Esittelemme paikanpäällä Huawei tietoliikenne-...
Puppet Tech Morning: Enforcing Security and Compliancy – Helsinki, Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm
In this technical session you will learn how to automate security practices across your infrastructure, and how to ensure continuous compliance in day-to-day operations. Helsinki, Oct-22 Copenhagen, Nov-15 Oslo, Nov-26 Stockholm, Dec-3 Learn...
Remediate vulnerabilities faster, with less manual work – introducing Puppet Remediate!
Puppet Remediate providess agentless remediation, integrating with three major vulnerability assessment tools (Tenable, Qualys and Rapid7), eliminating the need for manual data handover from InfoSec to IT Ops. Learn more!
Puppet Contributor Summit, June 4-5 @ Budapest
Two days of collaboration, hacking, and discussions on the present and future of Puppet projects. You’ll have a chance to meet the Bolt team and chat with VoxPupuli members in person about their cache of modules, and much, much more. Read more:...