Note: This Microsoft webinar shall be held partly in Finnish (introduction). The actual use case presentations and solution introduction will be in English.
See below both English and Finnish language webinar introduction
How to build HA and DRS across physical, virtual and Azure environments
SIOS DATAKEEPER is fully integrated into Windows Server Failover Clustering supporting both synchronous and asynchronous replication guaranteeing most optimal replication efficiency with different workloads or network latencies. SIOS DataKeeper supports both physical, virtual, hybrid/mixed and Azure-based environments.
In this webinar you will see real life use cases for utilizing SIOS DataKeeper.
Use case #1: Azure & DRS
- Use Azure as recovery site for your mission critical workloads
Use case #2: SQL
- Build SQL clusters without shared storage using SQL Server Standard Edition
- Enable failover of whole SQL instance between servers, sites or Azure and minimize administration tasks
- Only solution to build SANLess cluster when using Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC), for example used by Microsoft Lync
Use case #3: VMware
- Build clusters in VMware without the known limitations in Raw Device Mapping (RDM) will allow you to continue using vMotion.
- Customer example: Big Nordic customer with hundred nodes.
Use case #4: ERP & Azure
- Ensuring high availability on your SAP, Microsoft Dynamics or other ERP systems in Azure
- Antti Alila, Product Manager, Microsoft
- Dave Bermingham, Microsoft Clusters and Datacenter MVP, SIOS
- Esko Wessman & Michael Svendsen, Nordicmind (Distributor and Authorized Support Center for SIOS)
About SIOS DataKeeper
SIOS DataKeeper is the only Microsoft certified high availability solution in the Azure Marketplace. Add SIOS to your Windows Server Failover Clustering environment to eliminate configuration limitations. SIOS enables failover of application instances across cloud availability zones or regions to provide site-wide, local, and regional disaster protection without downtime. SIOS gives you the flexibility to build a fully automated, application-centric cluster and replication solution with your choice of replication schema, and deployment.
- Over 1000 SIOS installations in Scandinavia, 55000 worldwide
- Used cross-vertically by Banks, Telcos, Transport, Media, Gov
- Also used by Microsoft internally (BizTalk cluster in Azure).
- Support Center in Nordics (Nordicmind)
- Learn more:
HA ja Disaster Recovery fyysisissä, virtuaalisissa ja Azure -ympäristöissä
SIOS DATAKEEPER on suosittu ja täysin Windows-palvelimeen klusteripalveluun integroituva ratkaisu, joka tukee sekä synkronista että asynkronista replikointia. Tällä tavoin taataan mahdollisimman tehokas tiedonsiirto minimoiden ulkopuolisten tekijöiden, kuten esimerkiksi verkkolatenssin vaikutus. SIOS DataKeeper tukee fyysisiä, virtuaalisia, hajautettuja sekä Azuressa sijaitsevia ympäristöjä, kaikkia samaan aikaan.
Tässä webinaarissa kerromme käytännön esimerkein, kuinka ratkaista haastavimmatkin HA- ja DRS-tarpeet SIOS DataKeeperilla.
Use case #1: Azure & DRS
- Miten käytät Azurea DRS-paikkana kriittiselle tiedolle?
Use case #2: SQL
- Kuinka teet SQL-klusterin ilman jaettua levyjärjestelmää SQL Server Standard Edition –versiolla?
- Rakenna SQL-klusteri jakaen se eri palvelinten, eri konesalien tai Azuren kesken
- Voit klusteroida myös (mm. Microsoft Lyncin käyttämän) MSDTC:n ilman jaettua levyä
Use case #3: VMware
- Rakenna klustereita VMwaressa ilman tunnettuja RDM-rajoitteita (mahdollistaa esimerkiksi vMotionin käytön).
- Asiakasesimerkkinä sadan noodin suuri Pohjoismainen asiakas
Use case #4: ERP & Azure
- Miten klusteroida SAP, Microsoft Dynamics tai muita ERP-järjestelmiä Azuressa?
- Antti Alila, tuotepäällikkö, Microsoft Oy
- Dave Bermingham, Microsoft Clusters and Datacenter MVP, SIOS
- Esko Wessman & Michael Svendsen, Nordicmind (Distributor and Authorized Support Center for SIOS)
About SIOS DataKeeper
SIOS DataKeeper is the only Microsoft certified high availability solution in the Azure Marketplace. Add SIOS to your Windows Server Failover Clustering environment to eliminate configuration limitations. SIOS enables failover of application instances across cloud availability zones or regions to provide site-wide, local, and regional disaster protection without downtime. SIOS gives you the flexibility to build a fully automated, application-centric cluster and replication solution with your choice of replication schema, and deployment.
- Over 1000 SIOS installations in Scandinavia, 55000 worldwide
- Used cross-vertically by Banks, Telcos, Transport, Media, Gov
- Also used by Microsoft internally (BizTalk cluster in Azure).
- Support Center in Nordics (Nordicmind)
- Learn more: